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"Don't try to remember everything you have learned in training. Just meet the needs of that mom as the needs arise." ~ Ginny Ross

Thanks for looking!!! Here is a short and sweet bio of how and why I became a doula, what makes me passionate, and who supports me through it all. I have been married to my husband Matt for 8 years. He was one of two people that told me I would make a good doula. The other person, was our amazing doula Ginny we had for the birth of our daughter. I remember when she walked in the room after a crazy unexpected delivery at 35 1/2 weeks, it was a sigh of relief. Like everyone in the room said, "oh thank heavens, the doula is here." She created calm wherever she went. And I realized that I wanted to be able to offer that kind of calm, love, and support to moms. Prior to becoming a doula, I was a licensed massge therapist. That training has been a HUGE asset in my work as a doula. I was blessed to be able to train and learn under my own doula, Ginny when I went through Birth Doula Training. She became my mentor and I was honored to be hired on at her non-profit organization she started after becoming a certified doula myself.

These are my beautiful children. Garett is 6 1/2  and Kellan is 4 years old. I can't imagine being a doula without knowing firsthand the power and love of birthing a child. The emotions that come with it, the wonder and awe of seeing your child for the first time. Garett and Kellan were both born early, and under 6lbs. But there was no stopping them, they were ready to go from the first breath. If you ask them what I do, they will tell you that I go to the hopsital and have babies. Now that isn't quite accurate, but it basically covers it. :) Between them and my husband, I am a busy woman. I wouldn't be able to do what I do without their love and support. With it, I have been able to attend birth doula training, breastfeeding training, became certified in 5 months, and begin a journey of never having to truly work a day in my life. Because being a doula is definitely NOT work. Its now been almost 3 years since I walked into that long training weekend. I have attended  and supported 63 moms and families to present, and am looking forward to however many more there are to come.



   Garett Matthew                                        Kellan Grace

As of March 28th, 2014 I have returned to private practive doula work and have left the nonprofit organization I had worked with for the last 3 years. They gave me an invaluable start to this journal as a doula, and I am so thankful for it. As this journey takes a new turn, I look forward to whatever lies ahead.

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